
Burkina Faso : Blaise Compaoré s’octroie le portefeuille de la Défense


Le nouveau Premier ministre burkinabè, Luc Adolphe Tiao, a nommé son gouvernement jeudi soir. Fait marquant et remarqué : le président de la République, Blaise Compaoré, s’y est attribué le poste de ministre de la Défense. Confronté à une vague de mutinerie dans l’armée, le chef de l’Etat a donc décidé de prendre personnellement les choses en main.

2 Commentaires

  1. Lion-Kings and Queens
    Hi Brothers and Sisters, my name is PAPA LATYR FAYE, and I’m a Panafrican (Senegalese) and a Freedom Fighter. I want our paths to join as we journey along the road of Justice to set our Dear Black Continent (Africa) free from Babylon and its Vampires that suck our Blood every and each day and second. What is happening in Ivory Coast, has been taking place for too long. We shall always honor the Memories of Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba, Kuame Kuruma, Diomo Kenyata, Haile Selassi, Cheikh Anta Diop to name a few. It’s time that we put an End to it for good, and let the Lion-King rise up and roar and rule the Jungle (World) forever and ever. One Love Brothers and Sisters, the Lion-King shall rise and rule.

  2. Dear Africans:Lion-Kings and Queens
    Hi Brothers and Sisters, my name is PAPA LATYR FAYE, and I’m a Panafrican (Senegalese) and a Freedom Fighter. I want our paths to join as we journey along the road of Justice to set our Dear Black Continent (Africa) free from Babylon and its Vampires that suck our Blood every and each day and second. What is happening in Ivory Coast, has been taking place for too long. We shall always honor the Memories of Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba, Kuame Kuruma, Diomo Kenyata, Haile Selassi, Cheikh Anta Diop to name a few. It’s time that we put an End to it for good, and let the Lion-King rise up and roar and rule the Jungle (World) forever and ever. One Love Brothers and Sisters, the Lion-King shall rise and rule.


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