[Vidéo]-Spectacle une personne victme d’ébola se réveille dans un un sac.


ABC News journalists in Liberia captured a horrifying scene from the frontline of the Ebola outbreak on Thursday while filming a burial team picking up bodies.

The footage shows ABC correspondent Dr. Richard Besser observing health workers while they douse the body of a suspected Ebola patient lying on the streets of the Liberian capital Monrovia with bleach, a regular precaution while removing bodies to prevent the spread of the disease. The workers place the suspected victim in a body bag. Then, his hand moves.

« He’s not dead! » Besser exclaims, to the cheers of a crowd of Liberians.

Residents told Besser they had spent days unsuccessfully seeking help for the man as he lay suffering on the road. The burial team, however, arrived within an hour of the victim’s reported death. « They only come when you die, » one community leader told the news crew.

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