
[Audio] Beaucoup de mouvements pour faire partir Wade en 2012? Que cache ce vaste élan ? citoyen ou politique? Adama decortique



2 Commentaires

  1. GAMOU BJOUR. Sanction divine et de l’assemblée des peuples régis par nos rois dont la moralité et la forme de gouvernance étaient entachées avez vous dit ? Quelle simulitude de vie éprouvée est ,aujourd’hui en train de subir le peuple de Sénégal et ce ,depuis 1/2 siecle ? La sanction divine a certes été largement atténuée par nos illustres CHEFS RELIGIEUX (musulmans ,catholiques..)mais jusqu’à quand? FEU ABDOUL AZIZ SY ADDABAKH (Paix à son ^ame)dans ses prières demandait souvent à ce que l’ on léssive nos coeurs « séllal kholl « ;aurait’il été entendu ? Le paysage que vous décriviez tous et qu’éprouve durement le peuple n’est elle pas les prémisses d’une sanction divine à ces dirigeants « qui croyants ,n’ont pas peur de Dieu » et d’auxquels SEULE LA SANCTION DES URNES nous libérera et pour cela nous aurions besoin de tous dont Youssou et Bara Tall. J e ne puis répondre à la question « qui remplacera Wade ? » mais une très grande vigilence s’impose . GAMMOUMENT.

  2. Hello Adama,

    Thank you again for another interesting programme. I would also like to thank you for responding to the question I asked regarding the Serere people during the colonial era. I am glad that you have clarified that the Animist Sereres Kingdoms also played a major role in resisting colonisation and not just the Wolof Muslim kingdoms which is all we seem to hear. Buur Sine Kumba Ndoffene Famak Joof and Buur Sine Ama Joof N’jeelane Faye Joof are just two of many Serere Kings during colonisation that really challenged the colonial powers. Sadly, we don’t hear this at all probably due to the fact that they were Animists [even though the latter later converted to Islam, though only in name]. All we hear about is Muslims resisting colonisation. Thanks for putting the other side. Just one more thing, the Kingdom of Saloum was also a Serere Kingdom occupied by Sereres kings. Those kings were mostly Animists or when they converted, they mixed it with their Animists faith. Maba Jahou Bah’s conquest was short lived and was mostly limited to Rip after he killed Maad Jakar Mbassin and renamed the area Rip. I look forward to your next visit on our history.

    I agree with your sentiments about the political issues in Senegal – especially your last point. As you rightly implied, it would be ridiculous to pray for the Senegalese army to take over power. If this happens, it would worsen the political situation in Senegal. At least the Senegalese can express their true feelings without fear of being kidnapped and killed. The same cannot be said for The Gambia and other countries.

    Thank you

    Tamsier Joof


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