[Video] «Difficile Pour Un Africain De Faire Affaire Dans Les Pays D’afrique Dominés Par La France»


Aliko Dangote «Difficile Pour Un Africain De Faire Affaire Dans Les Pays D’afrique Dominés Par La France»

6 Commentaires

  1. Tellement vrai et temment mal d entendre des choses pareilles. Vraiment Mr. le president je suis de tout coeur avec vs depuis des annees mais depuis hier j ai des doutes. Ton allegance a la france est trop visible et cette loi copiee a la france de vouloir couper le pont entre les autres msulmans du monde me revulse. Controler la construction de mosquee est choqant car cachant des velleites non avouees d ostracisme sur notre foi. Alors faudrait que ttes les confessions soient traitees de la meme maniere. Ce quin est pas le cas car les eglises surtout protestante foisent avec des personnes douteuses venues d ailleurs. Je ne comprends plus rien. lutter contre le terrorrisme est legitime meme urgent mais copier ces reflexes haineuses contre l Islam est dommage.

  2. I would like to thank Africa24 for taking such good initiatives consisting in interviewing African Leaders showing outstanding performances.
    Also, I would like to take advantage of this contribution to congratulate Mr. Aliko Dangote and his whole team for their keen involvement and value creation within the African Continent.
    I believe that if we get rid from France by taking over control of our economies, we will very soon develop.
    Of course, this is a difficult but not impossible challenge.
    African from Francophone countries must understand that France is the real reason of the economic downturn we are facing…we need to move to a common currency; we need to reformulate the paradigm of cooperation and move toward African investing in Africa or privilege cooperation with the south.
    We have to understand that our problem is not that of economical stuff, it’s first and foremost leadership. Therefore, we have to be cautious in our choices; we need to elect presidents that love their countries and not western ones; we need to choose presidents that do not have the complex of the western countries and do not believe in their destiny for development; we need to kick out of the continent those who embezzle our money and fuel them in western countries financial institutions.
    Mr. Aliko Dangote is a true illustration that African can, that African from Francophone countries must change their mind and free from France.
    May God Bless Africa.
    Amath SARR
    [email protected]


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