Nelson Mandela On Life Support (REPORT)


Nelson Mandela has been placed on life support, CNN’s Katie Hinman and Adam Levine reported Wednesday afternoon.

The former South African president’s health remained critical for the fourth consecutive day as tribal leaders reportedly were warned to prepare for his death.

According to Sky News’ chief correspondent in South Africa, multiple sources confirmed that Mandela is no longer able to breathe unassisted. He has been undergoing treatment, including renal dialysis, at the Mediclinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria since June 8.

In an interview with CNN Tuesday, Mandela’s daughter Makaziwe, the sole surviving child from his first marriage to Evelyn, said the family was enjoying “quality and sacred moments” with her father.

“All I pray for as a daughter is that the transition is smooth. He is at peace with himself. He has given so much to the world. I believe he is at peace, » Makaziwe said.


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