Gaddafi begged Italy’s help in letter: report


PARIS (Reuters) – Deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi wrote to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in August begging him to halt a NATO-led intervention that was helping a rebel uprising drive him from power, French weekly Paris Match reported.
If authentic, the missive reveals Gaddafi’s desperation as, days after going on the run, he reached out to a man who had been a close friend and his most solid ally in Europe until Italy joined the West’s campaign to back Libyan rebels.
The magazine’s website showed a copy of the letter, dated August 5 and in printed Arabic, with handwritten lines scrawled on it, purportedly by Gaddafi and marked to the attention of his aide Abdallah Mansour. It read: « Send on this message as coming from me, by means of this document, after correction. »
The words « new friends » at the bottom were then crossed out and « friends and allies » written above it in the same hand.
Gaddafi was buried on Tuesday in a secret location in the Sahara desert, after being shot last week.
In the missive, Gaddafi reproached Berlusconi, with whom he had developed a warm and jovial friendship over several years, for not intervening to help him and reminds him of the pact of friendship between the two countries.
« I have been surprised by the attitude of a friend with whom I have sealed a treaty of friendship that benefits both our nations, » the letter read. « I would have hoped that at least you would have been concerned at the facts and would have attempted a mediation before adding your support to this war. »
Berlusconi said in a speech to supporters in September that had felt « very bad » about switching sides in April and joining the NATO campaign to oust his old friend from power. He said he had even considered resigning over the issue.
It is not clear whether the letter ever reached Berlusconi, who appealed to Gaddafi on August 22 to end his resistance to avoid further bloodshed in Libya. There was no immediate comment available from Berlusconi’s office on Friday.
Paris Match magazine said the letter had been delivered to Berlusconi’s office by an Italian couple that had become friends of Gaddafi as they run an agency that provided personnel for conferences Gaddafi held on his trips to Rome.
The letter went on to say that it was not too late for Italy to change direction and protect Gaddafi, and that he and his supporters were ready to turn the page on relations with Italy.
« I do not blame you for things you are not responsible for because I am well aware that you were not in favor of this disastrous action which honors neither you nor the Italian people, » the letter read.
(Reporting By Catherine Bremer)


    Ces Criminels Occidentaux et leurs Allies Libyens, ne savent meme pas qu’en enterrant ou du moins en declarant Gadhafi, enterre dans un « Lieu secret » du desert, ils reaffirment l’Idee irrefutable selon laquelle, il a ete et restera a tout jamais, le « Roi du Desert ». Gadhafi merite respect et consideration de la part de toute l’Afrique, surtout noire. La ligue Arabe l’a bani, parce que tout simplement, il se disait « Africain », qui signifie, « Noir ». L’Occident lui en voulait, parce qu’il se battait sans relache pour une Afrique Unie et Indivisible. Le monde entier le haissait, parce qu’il refusait de se soumettre a « Lucifer », le Prince des Tenebres et de l’Enfer.Il a fini par se faire trahir par les « Imbeciles de dirigeants africains » qu’il appelait « Freres ». Il a ete poignarde dans le dos par ses Fils libyens qu’il a berces de sa sueur et de son sang.
    Repose en Paix, « Roi et Lion du Desert », les Generations futures chanteront ta Bravoure, ta Dignite, ton Courage et ta Determination sans faille de voir les Etats Unis d’Afrique (U.S.A.). Qu’Allah t’accueille dans son Paradis Eternel avec tous les Honneurs dus aux Fiers Guerriers Negres et Panafricains, a l’instar de Thomas Sankara, Patrice Emery Lumumba, Kuame Kuruma, Diomo Kenyata,Leopold Sedar Senghor, Cheikh Anta Diop pour ne citer que ceux-la.
    [email protected]


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